10.5" Microsoft Surface Go 2 Touchscreen, 2.4 i5 11th Gen, 8GB RAM, 128GB SSD 0B33WXB231737H


Great unit, light and fast. Has touchscreen. Great for general use.

Pickup only.

Ask us about your trade in.

LOCAL ONLY, no delivery. We can ship with prepayment.

We accept cash, card & payment apps.

Find us on Facebook, search for us on Google, or see our website for more info and inventory list.

Location is 95 Mill Street Springfield. Open 9-7 Mon - Fri and 12-7PM Sat.


Great unit, light and fast. Has touchscreen. Great for general use.

Pickup only.

Ask us about your trade in.

LOCAL ONLY, no delivery. We can ship with prepayment.

We accept cash, card & payment apps.

Find us on Facebook, search for us on Google, or see our website for more info and inventory list.

Location is 95 Mill Street Springfield. Open 9-7 Mon - Fri and 12-7PM Sat.

Great unit, light and fast. Has touchscreen. Great for general use.

Pickup only.

Ask us about your trade in.

LOCAL ONLY, no delivery. We can ship with prepayment.

We accept cash, card & payment apps.

Find us on Facebook, search for us on Google, or see our website for more info and inventory list.

Location is 95 Mill Street Springfield. Open 9-7 Mon - Fri and 12-7PM Sat.